Decaf is a crime

Square Magnet

Decaf is a crime
Decaf is a crime
Decaf is a crime

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Decaf is a crime

Square Magnet

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 Square Magnet is in stock. We will print it as soon as you order it.

Delivery time: 8/11/24 - 11/11/24 (Standard)
Square Magnet | Brand: Conde | Material Content: 100% Aluminum

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Product Details

You can tell a lot about a person by their fridge magnets. What will this simple square magnet say about you? A classic little addition to any kitchen.
  • 100% Aluminum
  • Measurements: 2.25" x 2.25" x .045"
  • Adhesive magnet
  • Imported; processed and printed in the U.S.A.

Product dimensions measured on a flatly laid out product.

A (inch)
B (inch)

Tip: measure an item of clothing at hand to compare.

Decaf is a crime

Decaf is a crime

There are many crimes in this world, and in my opinion, decaf is definitely one of them! We have you covered, whether you need a statement mug, top or bag. Want it? We likely have it.